Ben sitting in the front of a fire truck

Hammonds Plains—Lucasville August Report

Hammonds Plains—Lucasville Residents,

The past several weeks have been filled with devastation and hardship, but they have also reminded me why I am proud to serve as our MLA. The resiliency, empathy, and stewardship, which has been shown throughout (and beyond) the affected areas in Hammonds Plains-Lucasville, is nothing short of inspiring.

Come wildfires or floods, our community should be proud of everything we’ve done to support one another, and all that we continue to do.

I’d like to thank all of the firefighters, first responders, volunteers, neighbourhood associations, and the many other agencies and businesses that stepped up to serve our friends and neighbours in our time of need.

On a lighter note, I would like to congratulate our graduates in the class of 2023! You have all had an extraordinary experience completing your studies, riddled with adversity and milestones that looked much different from generations preceding you.

My hope is that the challenges you faced will serve to provide you with a keen sense of drive to overcome the tests you will face in the workforce, higher education, or wherever life takes you next.

I hope that you will also reflect on your friendships, teachers, and achievements, and recall the wonderful things that took place in this past chapter of your lives. The best is yet to come!

I would also like to recognize Cathy (Highland Park), Janelle (Lucasville), and Ainslie (Haliburton), for their collective efforts to support operations in my office and serve our community this summer. Whether they were personally displaced or stepping into the first day of their job in the middle of an emergency, these three have been amazing.


Ben Jessome, MLA Hammonds Plains—Lucasville